If you have spent any time at all poking around the web looking for music, you have certainly found lots of websites either trying desperately to sell you music, sign you up for a subscription, or give away free music. The Clarinet Institute Music Archives offers a bigger selection and better value than all of them. Here are a few reasons why the Clarinet Institute Music Archives is your best bet for starting, maintaining and expanding your music library:
Size Matters - The Clarinet Institute has the largest collections of music anywhere. Period. When you buy one of our archives, you are truly getting a professional archive. We currently have 37 web sources for our material. We also have a small army of composers and collectors who donate music to us. In addition, we have our own arrangers putting in the hours creating fun arrangements for your instrument.
Our music is CLEAN - When you download from a web site, you have no idea what kinds of bugs, viruses, bots, cookies, worms and other creepy crawlies are attached to your download. Our music is clean. We clean every piece of music to get rid of all attachments so you don't have to worry.
Our music is NEAT - Back in the day, publishers liked to put huge margins around their music. That doesn't translate well for modern paper sizes. For most of this kind of giant-paper-music we have edited out the margins so your page is full of music and not margins.
Your TIME is important - You can spend hours at IMSLP hunting around for music. If you don't pay their entrance fee, you have to wait for each download. Once you get the music, you have to give it a meaningful name. IMSLP and others give long numbers for their file names, so you have to do some editing! Then you have to put the music somewhere. With the Clarinet Institute Archives, you have the entire collection right there! You can hold it in your hand. It is tangible and you don't need to rename anything. All the files are in logical and meaningful folders. We are musicians just like you and we know how you want your music organized!
Our music is MEANINGFUL - A lot of music posted on IMSLP and other sites has only a few bars of music to it. We don't waste your time with fragments, or experiments or just garbage that someone decided to post.
Our music is READABLE - So much music posted online these days are scans of really old music. Sometimes the music is too faint to be read. Sometimes the scan is just terrible. Sometimes it is written with a "french clef" or other ancient clefs. We also provide old music, but we read through everything in our libraries to make sure that it is readable.
Our music is PROFESSIONALLY CATALOGUED - Our archivists are trained in the science of library cataloguing. When it comes to creating meaningful titles and cataloguing our music, we know what we are doing! Our music is easily searchable and everything is placed in a logical and easy to read format.
There are NO SUBSCRIPTIONS - Have you noticed how every time you want to buy a product or service, you have to sign up for a subscription of some sort? It makes sense for the sellers, but not for you. You pay for the subscription and then forget about it and they keep collecting your money. Well, we don't like to play those kinds of games. Here at the Clarinet Institute we are musicians just like you and we know that you don't have money lying around to invest in open ended subscriptions. When you buy one of our archives..... you get everything right now!
Our archives are AFFORDABLE - We are musicians, just like you! We know how difficult it is to make money playing music so we offer our archives to you at a price you can afford. You can get any of our archives for about the price of lunch!
Our music is for PERFORMERS - So many other web sites out there have big libraries of music scores, but with no parts. We don't like squinting to read off of scores any more than you do. Everything in our archives has separate parts for each instrument! After all, we are musicians just like you!
Here at the Clarinet Institute, we have thousands of pages of music for every instrument.
We have PDF files with sheet music that you can print out at home
We have PDF files with sheet music that you can view on your tablet, computer screen or even on your television.
We have Personal Accompanist sound files that go with the sheet music so you can have piano accompaniment any time you want!
If you have questions or a problem, check our FAQ page first.
NEW COMPOSITIONS! - Our principle staff arranger, David Schorr, has written some music which is rhythmically rich and pushes the limits of tonality. Way more fun than the usual fare and very challenging.